There are so many blogs these days. Too many for folks to read and keep up to date with. I was... am hesitant about adding to the pool, but we live in an age of online footprints being a necessity for those of us who want to tell stories to a wider audience. It's hard.
I guess this mini blog post is to say: I'll be keeping most of my news announcements to this blog and Twitter. I am aiming for bi-monthly posts about all things that interest me, news, deep dives etc.
From next Sunday I'll post every other week. Next week's blog post will be how Peace of Mind came to be, even before I started writing it...
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I will attempt to keep all news as close to the point as I can, keeping all reads to ideally 2 minute or under reads and no more than 5 minutes, unless there's something I really want to enthuse about... (disgusting, I know).
Hwyl fawr/goodbye.